The Inagural #ICEilchat

I spend a lot of my time and energy volunteering in different roles for the Illinois Computing Educators organization. Attending the ICE Conference and volunteering for the organization has helped me to grow as a professional in so many ways it's almost too hard to separate it from everything else. One of the things that ICE has been talking about doing for awhile now is hosting a twitter chat to engage it's members. After lots of conversations and planning the ICE Professional Development team, +Mike McGowan and +Nicole Zumpano, and the ICE Communications team, +Jennifer Smith+Carrie Baughcum, and myself, along with the Executive Director of ICE, +Margaret Johnson, and +Paul Solarz finally got the ICE twitter chats ball rolling. We marketed through social media and email campaigns working hard to get the word out.

Our first #ICEilchat took place on September 25th, and the chat was centered around being a connected educator. What better way to kick off Connected Educators Month? Honestly I was a little worried that nobody would show up, but that was not the case. I was overwhelmed by the participation of so many educators from all over the world! I could barely keep up with all of the tweets. Check out the archive of the chat and consider joining us next month on October 30th at 8:00PM CST!

Awesome artwork by @HeckAwesome aka Carrie Baughcum


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